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The new decree of self-consumption opens the path to the energy transition

On April 6, the Royal Decree 244/2019 was published in the Official Gazette, which will be published on what the RDL15 / 2018 law passed last October in the field of consumer self. It’s a great news, which opens the doors (hopefully already definitive) of photovoltaics. The main features of this new regulation would be:

No one doubts that the energy transition will take place yes or yes, due to climatic and health reasons, but also economic. The question is to know how fast this will be done, and this will depend basically on the impulse or barriers that politicians (local, autonomous or state) apply to. The responsibility is (it has always been and will be) of all of them, and of the voters (of course) who choose them. We stop acting thinking only of ourselves and in the short term, let’s do it broadly, with generosity and responsibility: young generations (and future ones) look at us. We owe them

Read the news here


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