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Do you have a land and would you like to rent it to install a solar park?

Solutions for owners

Are you a company interested in investing in solar parks?

Business solutions

At Sud Renovables we started with photovoltaic self-consumption on industrial roofs, but it is clear to us that to reach a 100% sustainable future we must do more. That is why we are working hard with rural landowners, cooperatives, independent electricity producers, municipalities and administrations to support a distributed and green energy policy.

We are active in all stages of the process of setting up ground-mounted solar photovoltaic plants:
  • Search for land or investors
  • Engineering projects to obtain the connection point with the electricity distribution company.
  • Detailed studies to obtain administrative and construction permits for the park.
  • Construction of the park.
  • Maintenance and operation of the park
  • Financing, sale and purchase of projects at different stages of development.
foto parques solares

What kind of profile are you?

    We offer you our services in the area of Catalonia.

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    Basic information on data protection:

    Controller: Sud energies renovables, S.L.

    Purpose: To manage the sending of requested information.

    Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.

    Recipients: Your data will not be passed on to third parties except in the case of legal obligation.

    Rights of the interested party: To access, oppose, rectify and have your data deleted, as well as other rights as explained in the additional information.

    You can access additional and extended information here.

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    Tu Guía Completa para la Energía Renovable

    Con nuestro E-book gratuito, adéntrate en el universo de la energía solar. Descubre cómo la luz del sol puede impulsar tu hogar y tu estilo de vida. Obtén información clave, ideas innovadoras y consejos para dar el salto a la energía limpia.

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