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SUD Renewables Delegation in Andorra

At SUD we have a delegation in Andorra, a country where we have been installing panels for self-consumption for years. It could not be otherwise a country where caring for nature is one of the keys to its economy, where the Pyrenees are the heart of its life. Furthermore, we have to think that Andorra imports almost 100% of its electricity, either via connections with France or with Spain: the commitment to green energy also has this important strategic aspect.


We have installed panels in houses with slate roofs, where the aesthetics of the panels fit very well with the color ranges of the valley. As the roofs are steeply sloped due to snow load regulations, our panels will receive sunlight even in winter. Perhaps if you go up to one of the famous ski resorts you will see a whole solar roof that we made a few years ago. And we even develop projects for solar plants on land.


It all adds up, in a small country where the desire to do well is very great.

placas solares Andorra

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