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Maintenance and cleaning of solar panels

Maximise the performance of your solar panels

Do you know what the key is to keep your solar system operating at maximum performance for many years? The answer is simple: proper maintenance. If you want to ensure that your system works properly and lasts as long as possible, we are here to help you.

Our goal is to ensure that your solar system works perfectly and last as long as possible.

We offer the possibility of hiring the service you want, whether it is just cleaning, corrective, operational or preventive maintenance.

Operario realizando la revisión de una instalación fotovoltaica

Services we offer



Thermographic inspections

  • Preventive maintenance (annual visit to the plant for its review following the maintenance protocol)
  • Operational maintenance (control and detection of incidents)
  • Corrective maintenance (on-site repair of the installation in case of breakdowns or malfunctions)

Extensive experience

With more than 18 years of experience in the sector, we are the leading company in the maintenance of photovoltaic installations. We have the experience and knowledge necessary to ensure that your system is in the best condition and works optimally. We know that each installation is unique, so we offer a personalized service to ensure that your system receives the proper maintenance to stay in good condition.

With our maintenance service, you can rest assured knowing that your solar solution is in the hands of qualified and experienced professionals. In addition, you will save time and money in the long term, as a well-maintained installation will last longer and be more efficient. Don’t hesitate any longer and contact us to hire our quality maintenance services.

Request for information and quotation

    We offer you our services in the area of Catalonia.

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    Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.

    Recipients: Your data will not be passed on to third parties except in the case of legal obligation.

    Rights of the interested party: To access, oppose, rectify and have your data deleted, as well as other rights as explained in the additional information.

    You can access additional and extended information here.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    The required service can be contracted, whether it is cleaning, corrective, operational, or preventive maintenance, according to the needs of the system and the recommendations of professionals.

    The price of the service varies depending on the installation’s peak power and the services contracted. Rates for households start from €180+VAT and for industries start from €360+VAT. This will ensure optimal system operation and avoid costly problems in the future.

    Regarding preventive maintenance, it is recommended to ensure proper system operation and prolong the installation’s life and avoid costly problems in the future. Preventive maintenance includes tasks such as checking the solar panels (using a thermal camera if necessary), DC and AC wiring, connections, and the electrical system, as well as panel cleaning. In general, it is recommended to hire an annual maintenance service to ensure optimal system operation.

    Regular cleaning of solar panels is also recommended to ensure optimal system operation and prolong panel life, thus avoiding potential hotspots. The cleaning frequency depends on the panel location and climate conditions of the region. In areas with high dust, acid rain, or pollution levels, more frequent cleaning may be necessary.

    Yes, before starting, we need to ensure everything is correct. If not, the first step would be to provide a corrective budget to solve any detected anomalies.

    In most installations, periodic checks and cleaning would be sufficient. However, it is recommended to pay attention to some warning signs that may indicate the panels need maintenance earlier than expected.

    The best indicator that your solar panels need maintenance is a reduction in energy production. If you suddenly notice that your solar panels are not producing as much energy as they used to, and your electricity bill is increasing, it is a clear sign that you should schedule a service appointment.

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