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Photovoltaic solar panels for companies and industrial warehouses

Installations of photovoltaic solar energy for industrial self-supply

Industrial companies have two assets that make photovoltaic energy an especially profitable investment: a work rhythm that coincides with solar time, and large roof areas. Thus, a lot of electricity can be generated and consumed at the same time, which maximizes its value. The electricity production achieved is what it will no longer be necessary to buy on the grid: between 35% and 50% of current consumption. The cost savings go further, being able to reduce the contracted power, and sell / offset the surpluses in the network.

We also work for the public sector (city councils, county councils, etc.): both executing the final work after a tender, as well as performing prior technical advisory services.


Take advantage of all available subsidies


We take care of all the paperwork so that you can benefit from all the available subsidies and allowances.

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We design the best solution for your company, with a personalised study to maximise the investment made.

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We offer you tailor-made financing and take care of all the paperwork with the bank, so that you don’t have to worry about anything.

How does the solar panel installation for companies work?

Icono paneles solares


The sunlight impacts the panels and creates a current. We recover this current to electrify your company.

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It gathers the solar production from all the modules and transforms it into alternating electricity of 230V – 400V, which will be poured into the internal network of the building.

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Because the surplus is poured into the network, you will not need to store energy in them. Batteries are mainly used in homes and isolated installations.

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Digital meter

It is not only telematic (distance reading), but it also calculates the electricity poured into the network so the distributor company can pay you for it.

Techo de nave industrial con placas

How long will it take to recover the investment?

Investing in solar energy is one of the best decisions you can make. It allows you to control a key factor in the production: the energetic costs.

The repayment is quite quick: in just 5 years the investment will be recovered. Or, from another perspective, the internal rate of return is between 15 and 20%.

The economies of scale are the key factor: you can use the outdoor areas of your company and generate the energy you need, without having to pay tolls or taxes for it. We install an equipment with 25-year warranties (although it can last 40 years), so the economic efficiency is guaranteed, and the fixed maintenance costs are very low.

How much energy can I generate for my company?

Outdoor area of 1.500m2
Installed power: 100 kWp (300 panels).
Investment: €90.000 + VAT.
Anual production: 130.000kWh.
Saved network consumption: 30%.
Investment repayment: 5 years. IRR: 17%.

Outdoor area of 15.000m2
Installed power: 1MWp (3.000 panels).
Investment: 700.000€ + VAT.
Anual production: 1,3 GWh.
Saved network consumption: 30%.
Investment repayment: 4,5 years. IRR: 20%.

Grants or subsidies to install solar panels

Solar energy is worthwhile for itself, but some cities and towns encourage companies to take the plunge.

There are three types of grants: property tax, trade income tax, and construction permit tax grants. Depending on these grants, you can recover your investment in less than 5 years.

From SUD we will help you to manage these permits and will provide the documents you need to complete to receive the city council’s grant.

Maintenance and cleaning of solar panels

Do you know what the key is to keep your solar system operating at maximum performance for many years? The answer is simple: proper maintenance.

Result of the installation of solar panels in companies

Instal·lació de panells solars en empreses

Since 2005

kWp installed

equivalent to 219,040 solar panels

Since 2005

MWh generated every year

equivalent to consumption of 24,262 households

t CO2 saved each year

equivalent to emissions of 20,148 vehicles

Request a quote for solar panels for your business

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    Purpose: To manage the sending of requested information.

    Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.

    Recipients: Your data will not be passed on to third parties except in the case of legal obligation.

    Rights of the interested party: To access, oppose, rectify and have your data deleted, as well as other rights as explained in the additional information.

    You can access additional and extended information here.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, we have technical solutions for all sorts of roofs. Inclined roof with simple overlays, with sandwich overlay, flat waterproof roof…

    Yes, although you will need the authorization of the owner to do so. You can try to reach an agreement with the owner to share the installation costs.

    All options are possible, but we advise you to create your own energy in situ. We can do it in different ways: through a rise in the rent price or through a service agreement by which the owner sells the solar kWh to the tenant, at a private and agreed price.

    Not at all: its mission is to be up there for 25 years, so you do not have to worry. That’s why it is installed by professionals. You won’t need to do anything: the rain will clean away the dust piled up in the gaps. If it hails, do not worry, the glass is designed to stand and hold (a car window breaks easier than many solar panels).

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