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La multinacional química Henkel ha confiat en SUD Renovables per desenvolupar una nova instal·lació fotovoltaica

New alliance between Sud Renovables and multinational Henkel with PPA signature

From SUD Renovables we have completed the installation of the photovoltaic plant for self-consumption in the new 3,000 m2 production center of the chemical multinational Henkel in Montornès del Vallès (Barcelona). A total of 362 solar panels with a total power of 100kwp with which Henkel will generate 139,000 kWh per year to provide energy to the company’s own production center, inaugurated this month. A photovoltaic installation for self-consumption that, in addition to representing an important economic saving, will prevent the emission of 83 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually.

“It is one more step we take to contribute to the sustainability of our activity and the generation of electrical energy with renewable energy sources,” said Jaume Anguera, director of the adhesives factory of Henkel Ibérica, which has ensured that it is the first production plant in Spain that will obtain the Gold DGNB certification, a certification of the most prestigious in terms of sustainability, which includes environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects of buildings.

At SUD Renovables we continue betting on the elimination of technical and economic barriers, developing definitively the photovoltaic technology in the industrial sector, services and residence.

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