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Meroil photovoltaic installation for self-consumption at the Meridiana service station (Barcelona)

The Meroil group, an oil operator with more than 200 service stations spread throughout Spain, has put into operation a photovoltaic installation in one of its most iconic stations, on Avenida Meridiana in Barcelona. At SUD Renovables we have taken care of the project, installing 133 solar panels with a total power of 41.23 kWp. This is the first of ten solar installations that are already underway at Meroil service stations in various municipalities in Catalonia.

Thanks to the investment in Meridiana, Meroil will generate 56,748 kWh per year, which will be used to power the station itself. The installation has been designed to optimize both the technical-economic part and the technical limits set by the project: the plates occupy almost half of the useful surface of the roof, and are fastened with a self-supporting system that allows you not to have to drill it.

José María Massanella, General Director of Meroil, highlighted that “within the constant evolution of the energy sector, an operator like ours could not sit idly by: we already offer first-use vegetable fuels, Bioethanol, LPG and we have installed points charging station for electric vehicles. By launching this first photovoltaic installation, and those to come, we invest in the long term of our group and avoid emitting 35.52 Tons of CO₂ into the atmosphere annually. One more step we take to contribute to the sustainability of our activity ”.

Manel Romero of SUD Renovables highlights that “the new self-consumption regulations eliminate technical and economic barriers, which will allow the definitive deployment of photovoltaic technology to the industrial, services and residential sectors. Working with a consolidated group like Meroil is a milestone for us ”.



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