Manel Romero and Daniel Pérez, new representatives of UNEFCAT

On 04/04, the partners of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) met to choose the new representatives of UNEF Catalunya (UNEFCAT): Manel Romero, from SUD Renovables, who renewed his mandate as Delegate, and Daniel Pérez , by Holaluz.

At the moment Catalonia is in the tail with regard to the implementation of generating photovoltaic energy and other renewable energies. This is mainly due to the regulatory framework of the Autonomous Community and the long administrative management time that this type of procedure and management of projects of medium or large scale is subject to.

Within the framework of the photovoltaic sector, we are subject to the challenge of attracting investments that facilitate the development of projects. These become necessary to meet the objective that by 2030 half of the demand in Catalonia comes from renewable energies; as required by Law 16/2017, of August 1, on climate change.

Its responsibility from now on is to act as spokespersons of the sectoral association of photovoltaic solar energy in the Autonomous Community and centralize initiatives of institutional representation at the regional level. In addition, they will be in charge of defending the interests of the photovoltaic industry in the region, fostering dialogue between the companies of the association with the autonomous bodies and institutions.


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