Los Serranos 240 kW

Farm school, Vilar del Arzobispo (Valencia)
Power: 240 kW
Boiler model: GILLES HPKI-K 240
Performance: > 93%
Supply capacity: 15 days (maximum demand)
Dimensions silo: 6 m x 6 m x 2 m
Company. Installation of a polycombustible biomass boiler for the combustion of forest chips, in a shelter located in the municipality of Villar del Arzobispo. The enclosure had 3 diesel boilers with a total output of 270 kW. The project has involved the installation of a heating network to supply heating and ACS to the school building, dining room, kitchen, rooms and multipurpose rooms of the enclosure, adding a total of 2,300m2.

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