You can also find us in the Balearic Islands

Delegation of SUD Renewables in the Balearic Islands

At SUD Renovables we are committed to promoting solar energy in the Balearic Islands. Through our innovative and affordable photovoltaic solutions, we help you make the switch to solar energy in your home or business.


The SUD group has been present in the Balearic Islands since 2009, successfully carrying out solar panel installations in the Ibiza Hospital, health centers and private homes in Mallorca and Ibiza. With the reopening of the SUD Balearic Islands delegation, we are once again at your side, to continue promoting the energy transition to “ses illes”.


Take advantage of the abundant Mediterranean sun to generate energy for self-consumption, reducing your electricity costs, contributing to a more sustainable future and reducing external energy dependencies.


Do you have a house or a company in the Balearic Islands? Contact us and find out how we can help you make the transition to solar energy.

La catedral de Palma de Mallorca

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    Responsable: Sud energies renovables, S.L.

    Finalitats: Gestionar l’enviament d’informació que ens sol·licita.

    Legitimació: Consentiment. Pot retirar el consentiment en qualsevol moment.

    Destinataris: Els seves dades no es cediran a tercers excepte en cas d’obligació legal.

    Drets de l’interessat: A accedir, oposar-es, rectificar i que es suprimeixin els seves dades, així com altres drets com s’explica en la informació addicional.

    Pot accedir a informació addicional i ampliada en aquest enllaç.

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    nuestro E-book Solar!

    Tu Guía Completa para la Energía Renovable

    Con nuestro E-book gratuito, adéntrate en el universo de la energía solar. Descubre cómo la luz del sol puede impulsar tu hogar y tu estilo de vida. Obtén información clave, ideas innovadoras y consejos para dar el salto a la energía limpia.

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